My First OFFline Professional Networking Experience
On April 6th, 2016 I decided to see if attending The Art of Active Networking in Costa Mesa, CA would be a helpful networking experience...

Public Transportation
I began teaching myself how to ride public mass transit buses about two months before my 18th birthday. I didn't want to rely on my...

So far at Spectrum Success
I have learned how to properly time discussions about disagreements and express my disagreements professionally. For example, it is a...

My Experience with Job Coaches
In 2001 I graduated from Finneytown High School in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. I was actively seeking employment because I was...

Sheltered Workshop Employment Programs
A Sheltered Workshop is an employment program for people with severe disabilities, especially severe cognitive disabilities. To my...

Navigating the System
“Where will my child end up when I’m gone?” “How do I prepare my child to live an independent life?” “Can my child live a full and happy...

My Communication & Socialization Experiences
I began teaching myself sign language in 1997 upon becoming aware that mainstreamed* Deaf kids were attending my school. I have always...

Sheltered Workshops
My first sheltered workshop was the Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries. I got into it by requesting the program through the Hamilton County...

My First Job
My first-ever job was being a Grocery Stocker at The Kroger Company’s Finneytown store in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. My main...

My Diagnosis
I previously thought that my first and only Autism diagnosis was Asperger’s Syndrome, which was diagnosed on Friday, April 12, 1996 at...